1.1 Is Here

We’re excited to announce that 1.1 has been released. It’s been named after J Roddy Walston & The Business’s “Essential Tremors”. I don’t think I’ve had as good a first listen as I have with this record in a very long time. J Roddy straddles the line between Jerry Lee Lewis piano rock n’ roll, and Zeppelin inspired riffage, but puts it all together in a cohesive record. This was played pretty incessantly while making this latest round of features.

What’s new?

As always, head over to the release notes page for the nitty gritty.


Now that we’ve all got bigger libraries, we’ve added searching. You can pull down on the library view to reveal the search bar. You can dive right into a song if you type in some lyrics. Big time-saver.



Sorting’s been improved. Instead of oldest / newest, we now sort by “Last Created” or “Last Edited”. Sorting by “Last Edited” will ensure that all the latest songs you’ve worked on are bubbling to the top. Nothing against Oldest First, but no one was using it.



Hum would get really unstable with songs that were around 10 minutes in length. That’s always been our maximum recording length, but we’ve cleaned up things around the edges. We’ve also got a nicer experience when you’re deleting audio from a Hum. We’ve also customized our typeface to allow for true musical sharp symbols. On top of that, we fixed a lot of under-the-hood stuff in preparation for our Dropbox syncing release. It’s coming!